
Milagros Olive Advisor is owned by Maria Milagros Castro, who has over 20 years of hands-on experience as an agronomist specializing in olives. In fact, her journey to all things olive oil dates back to when she lived in Mexico, where her family produced table olives and olive oil in central Mexico. She came to the US to further her work with olive oil, and, to that end, studied olive culture in both Italy and Spain.

These days, Milagros is a member of the esteemed California Olive Oil Council Taste Panel, which requires its members to have an extraordinarily precise ability to evaluate olive oil quality and defects. She also owns a pest control business, which uses organic pesticides. Milagros remains very active in the agricultural community, participating in collaborative research on California olive oil, as well as in symposiums ranging on subjects from pests and diseases in olives, to the health benefits of olive oil.